The Front Lawn

Baby Shower in the Front Parlor

The Dining Room

The heart of Harlinsdale is beating again

The Hayes House was the Victorian farmhouse that served as the anchor home for the Harlin family at Harlinsdale Farm, where two-time World Grand Champion Tennessee Walking Horse Midnight Sun lived.

At Friends of Franklin Parks, we want to make sure that the story of Harlinsdale and its impact is shared throughout the gorgeous park. Through the generous gifts of community members, we restored this house, complete with 1930s & 40s finishings to reflect the time when the Hayes Family moved in.

We are still in the process of completing the interpretive signage which will tell the story of the house. Once that process is complete, it will be open for tours! Currently, we are available for rentals.

Interested in learning more?

Email Kellie Baker at

  • Indoor: 90

    Outdoor: 700

  • Rental rates vary. Please email Kellie Baker to learn more.



Thank you to the sponsors of this project

Joanne Haynes

Judy Hayes

Phyllis & Jim Lackey

T& T Family Foundation

Randy Jones & Associates

Franklin Park

Pam Lewis Foundation

Amy Cross Nance

Linda & Dr. Ken Moore

Faye & Clay Harlin

The McInturff Family

Brenda & Norm Johnson

Jennifer & Jamey Parker

Lisa & Bob Ravener

Mary & Hank Brockman

Downtown Franklin Rotary

Jo Ellen & Chuck McDowell

Jackie & Barry Alexander

Justin & Valerie Potter Foundation

Melinda & Ward Brown

Tin Cottage

Sarah & David Ingram



Restoration Project

In March of 2022, Friends of Franklin Parks began the restoration of the Hayes House thanks to support from members of the community.


Susan Smallwood, Mary Pearce, Clay Harlin, Torrey Barnhill, Jay Sheridan, Joanne Haynes



Select pre-restoration photos