Did you know?
There are 900+ acres of parkland in Franklin, Tennessee
44% of Franklin’s Parks are still being completed
95% of Franklin residents rate the Parks system as important to their quality of life
Founded in 2011, Friends of Franklin Parks is a Tennessee 501c3 nonprofit-organization that was formed to bridge the gap between government and community funding. The team’s offices are located at the historic Park at Harlinsdale Farm.
Working closely with the City of Franklin and its Parks Department, the FOFP public-private partnership is dedicated to identifying needs that exist within the 18-park system, casting a vision for future enhancements and connecting the dots between existing public open spaces.
Become a Friend of Franklin Parks!
Our work depends on the support of individuals, families, corporate partners & other non-profit organizations.
By becoming a Friend, you can help us preserve our community's natural resources and enhance our incredible park system.